Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Most Perfect Day

Wow doesn't begin to express it. Blessed doesn't begin to describe it. The Uganda Team experienced a day of great victory and renewed determination.  As news about Jeff's condition became more and more encouraging we realized what a miracle we have all experienced through that situation, Yesterday the construction crew realized that they were not going to be able to accomplish their goal of putting the roof on the new church without another miracle. They desperately needed a crane which is something that you don't see here in Busia. In fact, when it was mentioned at "Stretched and Blessed" last night, we all laughed a little bit. This morning the guys kept the faith and kept working. They finished putting the roof on the front porch and God honored their faithfulness with the provision of exactly what was needed - a crane. That alone is going to be quite an attraction here and when the roof goes on and this church is completed, we believe that God will be glorified in ways that we can only now imagine. The enemy has fought this church with everything he has but all he has are lies and deception. We know who wins in the end!
The rest of the team traveled to one of the bush churches for sports camp today.  We visited Pastor Joseph and the people at Syonga Church for Sports Camp and a Women's Conference. Kim taught the women while David Ray led the rest of the team in playing different sports with the kids. First the children put on a wonderful program of singing and dancing then we all got a tour of the grounds.  Syonga is in a beautiful area and today the wild lantana and daisies were blooming - it was just breathtaking. The kids gave a demonstration of the way that they play soccer- with a ball made of rolled up plastic bags and banana leaves. Then they learned some new games like Extreme Frisbee.  Jennifer and I worked with 100 or so nursery age children doing crafts and singing songs while Joy and Sarah did the same with P1 students.  These children are so beautiful, so well behaved and so attentive for their age.  Larry, David and the other guys were able to share the plan of Salvation with the older kids and several children accepted Christ today. God is so good and does honor the obedience of his servants. We all were blown away by the way the day turned out and just praise God for his faithfulness. After lunch we headed back to change for a service at another bush church.  This is a small congregation which is quite a distance past the end of a dirt road.   Bryan and Sarah both shared their testimonies tonight and we all were blessed as were the wonderful people of this little church. David Ray was the primary speaker and though he always says he's not a preacher, he sure had everybody fooled tonight. First he sang a beautiful song which was straight from his heart and then gave his own testimony. We all could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit as he spoke and gave the plan of salvation.  Several more were saved and will be discipled by their pastor - what a wonderful harvest day!  Oh well, Aaron is yelling at me asking what chapter I'm on so guess I'd better say bye and go get ready for church tomorrow. We're teaching Sunday School - can't wait to see what God will do with that!  Blessings and love to all of you at home! 
In His Love!
-Carol C.

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